1.200+ companies train their employees with lawpilots


1.200+ companies train their employees with lawpilots

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Contents of the training

  1. What is a conflict of interest? Your employees will learn what a conflict of interest is and the different types that can occur.
  2. What are the consequences of a conflict of interest? The training highlights the negative impacts conflicts of interest can have on your organisation.
  3. How do I recognise warning signs? Your workforce will be trained to identify warning signs and indicators of potential conflicts of interest.
  4. Wie gehe ich mit Interessenkonflikten um? The training explains strategies and recommendations for addressing conflicts of interest openly and ethically.
  5. How can I prevent conflicts of interest? Your employees will learn preventive measures to foster a culture of transparency and integrity.


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Quick Facts

  • 15 Minutes
  • Certificate of completion
  • Integration into internal LMS (SCORM, TinCAN/xAPI, AICC)
  • Or use of the lawpilots online platform

Conflicts of interest made simple
Practical training for everyday life



Understanding conflicts of interest through stories: We use vivid and engaging narratives in our conflict of interest training to bring the topic closer to your employees. Emotional stories help them empathise with situations and understand the impacts of conflicts of interest. This makes the learning process more informative and sustainable, as stories are easy to remember and encourage thoughtful reflection.

Playful learning

Playful learning

Experience interactive scenarios: Delivered through innovative multimedia approaches, the conflict of interest training transforms into an engaging and effective learning experience. The combination of enjoyment and education ensures that your employees retain the knowledge, develop to confidence to apply it effectively in their daily work activities and gain a long-lasting understanding of the subject.

Practical examples

Practical examples

Explore realistic cases: Concrete examples help your employees transfer theoretical knowledge into real contexts. Practical examples illustrate the consequences and solutions to conflicts of interest. The conflict of interest training thus deepens understanding and demonstrates the importance of early conflict recognition and prevention.

Dialogue games

Dialogue games

Test knowledge in dialogue: The integration of dialogue games in our conflict of interest training enables your employees to apply their knowledge in realistic situations. This encourages critical thinking and helps to internalise the correct approach to dealing with conflicts of interest. Participants thus gain confidence in recognising and resolving conflicts.

Discover our diverse
compliance training courses

Money laundering prevention in the financial sector Money laundering prevention in the financial sector

Protection against money laundering. Our training equips your employees with the skills to handle financial transactions securely.

45 Minuten

Compliance training essentials Compliance training essentials

For a strong compliance culture. Our training shows your team how to implement rules effectively on a day-to-day basis.

31 Sprachen

20 Minuten

Compliance ESG
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption Anti-bribery and anti-corruption

Don’t give corruption a chance. Our training shows your workforce how to recognise risks and take preventative action.

32 Sprachen

15 Minuten

Compliance ESG
Anti-discrimination training Anti-discrimination training

Promoting fairness. Our anti discrimination training sensitises your team to equal treatment and respectful interaction.

30 Sprachen

15 Minuten

Compliance ESG
Supply chain compliance training Supply chain compliance training

Understand and implement due diligence obligations. Our training shows your employees how to apply the Supply Chain Act safely.

3 Sprachen

20 Minuten

Code of conduct training Code of conduct training

Compliance through clear rules. Your employees learn how the code of conduct is practised and integrated within the company.

8 Sprachen

45 Minuten

Antitrust Antitrust

For fair competition. Your employees learn how to implement antitrust regulations safely and effectively in their daily work.

34 Sprachen

15 Minuten

Compliance ESG
Whistleblowing training Whistleblowing training

Understanding whistleblowing. Our training strengthens an open and trusting corporate culture by promoting transparency.

15 Sprachen

20 Minuten

Conflict of interest training Conflict of interest training

For clear and legally compliant decisions. Your team learns to safely manage conflicts of interest and to act ethically.

7 Sprachen

15 Minuten

Compliance ESG
Anti-corruption for purchasing, sales and marketing Anti-corruption for purchasing, sales and marketing

Prepared to prevent corruption. Learn how purchasing, sales and marketing can take proactive measures.

28 Sprachen

25 Minuten

Protection of trade secrets Protection of trade secrets

Safeguarding trade secrets. Your employees learn how to handle insider information in compliance with legal requirements.

3 Sprachen

15 Minuten

Compliance ESG
Sexual harassment prevention training Sexual harassment prevention training

Set a strong example against harassment. Our training teaches your team how to prevent harassment in everyday life.

3 Sprachen

20 Minuten

Prevention of insider trading Prevention of insider trading

For responsible behaviour. Your employees learn how to handle insider information in a legally compliant manner.

3 Sprachen

15 Minuten

Money laundering prevention for law firms Money laundering prevention for law firms

For greater security in law firms. Learn how your team can effectively identify and report money laundering suspicions.

1 Sprache

20 Minuten

Compliance ESG
The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) for executives The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) for executives

Lead safely and responsibly. Our training supports your leadership team in effectively applying the AGG in practice.

3 Sprachen

30 Minuten

Export control training Export control training

Compliance in international trade. Our training sensitises your team to navigate export regulations and legal requirements.

21 Sprachen

15 Minuten

Anti money laundering Anti money laundering

For secure handling of financial transactions. Your employees learn how to effectively prevent money laundering.

29 Sprachen

15 Minuten

First-hand expert knowledge
Conflict of interest training

Prof. Dr. Christian Pelz

Lawyer, Honorary Professor

With Prof. Dr. Pelz, an experienced expert from Noerr specialising in economic and tax criminal law, our training provides practical knowledge and valuable insights into successfully managing conflicts of interest.

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All information in one PDF

All details about the conflict of interest training concisely summarised in a PDF. Download it with a single click and keep it readily available — for a quick overview and as a valuable resource for training planning.

Download PDF

FAQs about the
conflict of interest training

Why is the conflict of interest training important?

Conflicts of interest undermine trust in the integrity of your organisation, can lead to legal consequences, and cause lasting damage to its reputation. Professional management of such conflicts is therefore essential to maintain a transparent and ethical organisational culture. In our conflict of interest training, your employees will learn how to effectively avoid these risks and strengthen trust within the organisation.

Who is the conflict of interest training suitable for?

Our conflict of interest training is suitable for all employees, as there is always a risk that a situation in everyday business could be misjudged, potentially leading to a conflict of interest and inappropriate actions.

What are the benefits of the conflict of interest training?

The conflict of interest training raises awareness of conflicts of interest, promotes ethical behaviour, and strengthens trust within the organisation. It helps minimise legal risks and improves the company’s image.

What topics are covered in the conflict of interest training?

The training covers the definition and examples of conflicts of interest, identifying warning signs, strategies for managing conflicts, and preventive measures to avoid such situations.

How can I book the conflict of interest training for my organisation?

To book the conflict of interest training for your organisation, you can contact us via our contact form or by phone. We provide tailored advice and customised solutions to meet the specific needs of your company.

What are the technical requirements for participation?

Our e-learning platform, lawpilots LMS+, is web-based and requires only an internet connection and a modern web browser. The training is accessible on both desktop computers and mobile devices.

Can the training be integrated into our internal LMS?

Yes, our conflict of interest training can be easily integrated into your internal Learning Management System (LMS). We offer the training in standard formats such as SCORM, AICC, and TinCAN/xAPI.

The integration process is straightforward and takes only a few minutes. If assistance is needed, our team is available to help you embed the training into your LMS and ensure a smooth implementation.

Resolving conflicts of interest and ensuring compliance

Convince yourself of our conflict of interest training and strengthen an open and transparent corporate culture.