Case Studies

We don’t claim, we prove. Our customers provide that proof with our shared case studies. Convince yourself of our competence in past projects.


Due to numerous legal and organizational changes in the areas of export control and customs, Siemens AG was looking for a new solution to provide sustainable training for its employees worldwide. Especially as an internationally operating technology company, this topic is of great importance for Siemens AG.

Violations of applicable law in the area of export are punishable by severe fines and even imprisonment. Therefore, ongoing and fundamental awareness-raising among the workforce is essential to protect the company in the best possible way and to minimize risks.


times the e-learning was completed in one month


languages the e-learning was translated


weeks from the draft to the completion of e-learning


minutes the e-learning takes approximately


Compliance is a challenge that increasingly preoccupies organizations worldwide. Providing employees at all levels of the company with the necessary expertise to behave appropriately both internally and externally is a task that is increasingly difficult for companies to accomplish alone.

Konica Minolta, with nearly 10,000 employees in more than 80 countries, faced exactly this challenge. To continue to meet the highest compliance standards, Konica Minolta chose to work with lawpilots. The proven legal expertise and innovative learning methodology enable easy and effective training of the global workforce.


employees trained








The first e-learning courses,
to which your employees want popcorn

We make their teams feel safe in the work environment – so exciting that they want a sequel.

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